Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Jebsmith73, how did you do that kind of grounding?, if the ground is to long,it does not work as good, just like most house ground's, an example, I run a 25ft dedicated ground for my amplifier, and in turn, that sound real distant, crashed the sound stage etc..., connected my amp ground back to the inside the breaker box, and the box is exactly oppisite from the main power box on the brick side-out side of the house that uses a 4ft earth ground, sounded hugely better in every way, this is the way the dedicated line for the amp is connected now, it's by code, but the main reason I did the code was because of the shortest possible ground that I can possibly have here without getting a dedicated breaker box for intire system, cheers.
Hi colekat, interesting story, would you know what the grounding problem was connecting to the preamp?, Happy Listening.
Dielectric's play a major role in how a cable will perform,it is best to know exactly what dielectric you have in a cable, what it's design purpose is and if it does what it was designed to do, here is an explanation of what dielectric is,

Insulating materials exposed to electric fields are called "dielectrics." Dielectrics are necessary parts in the construction of any cable because they prevent oxidation and keep the conductors from touching one another. In audio cables, relatively low voltage and current levels mean that dielectric strength is not the most important factor. Far more significant in its effect on the sound is a material's dielectric absorption. This characteristic describes the way a dielectric may discharge a secondary signal into the conductor out of phase with the audio signal.

As a current is passed through a conductor, an electromagnetic field is created which interacts with the dielectric material and temporarily displaces the molecular structure. If the dielectric material has good elasticity and can return quickly to its normal state, then the material is said to have low dielectric hysteresis or loss and will have little audible effect on the signal.
Here is an explanation of impedance, getting a better understanding of what a cable or componet has for impedance can and will help with system matching to obtain a synergy of balance within any given system,

A measure of the complex resistive and reactive attributes of a component in an alternating-current (AC) circuit. Impedance is what restricts current flow in an AC electrical circuit; impedance is not relevant to DC circuits. In DC circuits, resistors limit current flow (because of their resistance). In AC circuits, inductors and capacitors similarly limit the AC current flow, but this is now because of their inductive or capacitive reactance. Impedance is like resistance but it is more. Impedance is the sum of a circuit, or device's resistance AND reactance. Reactance is measured in ohms (like resistance and impedance) but is frequency-dependant. Think of impedance as the complete or total current limiting ohms of the circuit -- the whole banana. Since AC circuits involve phase shift -- i.e., the voltage and current are rarely in phase due to the storage effects (think "time;" it takes time to charge and discharge) of capacitors and inductors, the reactance is termed "complex," that is there is a "real" part (resistive) and an "imaginary" part (bad terminology, but it means the phase shifting resistance part). To summarize: resistance has no phase shift; reactance (capacitors & inductors in AC circuits) includes phase shift; and impedance, is the sum of resistance and reactance. Just that simple.
The Tara Lab's cacade burn/in disc is free, you can go to their web-site and down load it for free,I have found this to work alot better than most disc that one could buy for alot of money, it is my pleasure to help the community that I enjoy being a part of, Enjoy, The Cascade Noise / Burn in disc

Although there have been other “burn-in” test discs used by audiophiles in the past, the discs have mostly been a mix of pink noise and sweep test tones. The new CASCADE noise burn-in disc is a proprietary combination of white noise with frequency tone bursts and pink noise mixed at different levels. However, what makes it really effective is a series of descending and ascending (cascading) multi-octave square sweeps for better and more complete results than any other “burn-in” discs that have been made to date. The CASCADE noise burn-in disc may be used with audio electronic component and with audio cable including cables with attachments such as batteries or filter networks. Before and after results will be obvious with any of these cables.

The phenomenon commonly referred to as “burn-in” is confusing to some people. We prefer to think of the phenomenon as the conditioning of the system with continued use. The phenomenon of burn-in is actually a polarization of effects on a microscopic level. This microscopic world might be as little as a few thousandths of an inch along the length of the conductors within a cable; the thickness of one to three sheets of paper. At this level one can visualize the subtle electromagnetic waves around a conductive wire. These waves are moving through the dielectric (primary insulation) around the conductor. There is a problem at this microscopic level; not all frequencies carried by the electromagnetic waves will pass at the same attitude at every point of the conductive wire. For example, at some point along the conductor, there might be a tiny point of oxidation, and this will limit the range of high frequencies that can pass easily between the same amplitude, perhaps turning AC into DC and creating random audible noise in the cable. At other points, imagine air-gaps between the conductor and the insulation near the conductor surface. These tiny differences cause changes with respect to the different frequencies that are “stored and released” from conductor to dielectric and back again.

The new CASCADE noise burn-in disc is designed to completely condition the capacitive and diode-like effects within audio components and audio cables. The result is a more coherent and extended high frequency reproduction without the glare, along with a sense of listening experience. This will be noticed after just a few hours of using the CASCADE noise burn-in disc. Continued use of the disc, just a few hours at a time, or when you are able to run your audio system at normal listening levels for many hours at a time, will be extremely beneficial in improving the performance of all audio cables and components.