Volume level of ARC Ref 5 seems very high


I have a Ref 5 feeding Jadis JA100 monos into HH Eufrodites.
Already at very low volume setting levels, the sound is high.
For example, at volume setting 3, the sound level is ~65 db, at about 3 meters from the speakers and my listening room is big.
It doesn't bother me, I just wonder if I get the best out of the preamp at this low volume setting.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Has anyone checked out the in-line attenuators in the link posted by doggiehowser?
I used Rothwells on my SP10 going into a Mesa Baron. The Mesa worked best with low gain and the Rothwell 10db did the job without noticible side effects. If your line section is quiet enuf you can use the Rothwells between the source and the pre-amp as well, or in the tape loop. Personally I like it between the amp and pre-amp.
I've used the Rothwells many times. Maybe a good idea to give them a shot and then if it solves the overall problem, you can look further into having ARC lower the overall gain on the pre.
«The Mesa worked best with low gain and the Rothwell 10db did the job without noticible side effects» Yes, with no apparent damage. This is no serious hi-fi. Is a passive fixed pré. Two pré in the same signal line...