Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Here is some consumer review's of Tara Lab's product's, I believe these review's will give a better understanding to all that reads them, Enjoy,, “The Omega Gold has a depth to the sound stage unmatched by any other cable I have listened to, incredible air, bass, mid-range to die for, transit speed is off the charts, very holographic sounding 3-dimensional life like sound, this cable will immerse you in music nirvana, if you want one of the best speaker cable's available, look no further, truly a game changer.”2014 - Keith Henry-AudioLabyrinth

"The imaging within the soundstage is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c andso is the purity and clarity of the sound. I wish every cable in the high end audio industry imaged like that…” – Audiodrom / Listopad 2014 MJ

Being there a physical sense of every instrument including its harmonic envelope, the The ISM The 2EX could be contenders to the best speaker cables on the planet. - Audiodrom online magazine 2014

David, (Design Audio Video/Texas)

“I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the recommendation and great service. I received the TARA Labs RSC Prime 800 speaker cables. They sound fantastic in my system and are a huge compliment to my Spendor A6's.”

“I have been on a quest for over a year, replacing a 20+ year old system, and the cables were the last piece of the puzzle. I've been through cables from MIT Matrix 23 and Alpha Core Goertz Vericity MI2 to van den Hul D-352 and have been disappointed by each of them in one aspect or another. Trialed against even Shunyata Black Mamba's at 3X the price, the TARA Labs held their ground...amazing!”

“The TARA Labs RSC Prime 800 are phenomenal in all aspects in my system...tremendous bass reach and foundation without, smooth transition to present midrange with no forwardness, detailed highs without excessive brightness or sparkle...and a soundstage that has extended far beyond the speakers separation as well as depth and placement of instruments within the overall presentation.”

Associated equipment

Spendor A6, Musical Fidelity M6i, Musical Fidelity M1DAC, Cambridge Audio azur C350 CD Player, MIT CVT1 Pro XLR balanced interconnects from DAC to amp., Sonos,

Thanks again for the great service

“When I use the TARA Labs ISM the One Digital and 0.8 Onboard, my friends and guests don't say much about "the sound." And that happens, because the TARA Labs digital cables are so transparent and free of noise that they get out of th eway and let the equipment and recordings do the talking. By stepping aside, the TARA Labs digital cables can eliminate barriers between listeners and the music.”

“And even when we use ratty equipment, the TARA Labs digital cables' lack of distortion does not heap further insult onto the music.”

“I wanted to let you know that last weekend I finally had the chance to incorporate all your cables in my Kondo/Tidal set up. In one word: I am very impressed! A deep black background, a large space in which the various instruments can be recognized and followed (tunes fading away) very clearly. The combination of tremendous transparency and beautiful tonality makes them addictive.”

“Just a quick note to say the ISM 2EX have arrived, and even without any system setup, straight from the box, they have made an immediate impact. The mid-range is gloriously rich, with more timbre on vocals. The bass is much fuller with far more weight. The soundstage is also expansive. These were all criticisms of my Nordost LS Red Dawn, so I could not be happier. However when I evaluated the overall sound, I found that nothing was missing, it just sounded different, but definitely more 'natural'. I think the Nordost range (LS Red Dawn/Frey) that I have tried tend to highlight particular frequencies to sound impressive, but these are quite tiring over long periods and/or higher volumes. In summary, a fantastic result, which I am sure will only improve as the cables get some more hours. Cheers,”
– Leif R.

“The cables arrived today, and I leave for Hawaii tomorrow. Wow, even straight out of the box, the ISM Onboard Digital sounds terrific. It simply opens the door between transport and DAV, letting more of the signal/recording through. Other cables seem so filtered, restrictive, and colored."”

“just wanted to say I'm enjoying the sub-woofer cable. I was watching the recent Blu-Ray release of the Steven Spielberg movie Super 8, man when the train wreck scene came, the whole house shook! The dog ran and hid in the other room! LOL The wife came running in the living room and said "Turn it down!" I don't think so!”
- William S.

“The black and white film really showcased the improvement in contrast. The areas of mid to dark shadows showed an impressive level of detail and the film grain was wonderfully preserved. By this time, I wanted to rediscover my entire DVD library, even if it was only a few scenes from each movie.”
– Josh B.

“As with all Tara products, the AD / 10B imparts no coloration to the sound and I could detect no loss of dynamic range. It revealed the differences between tube and solid state equipment, emphasizing the positive qualities of both”
– Tom W.

“I bought Video HT wires for my Sony DVPs9000es DVD player in 65" TV and they look amazing. Great product.”
– Mark B.

“...loaned me a pair of your entry level RSC Axiom 1 meter interconnects, and they blew away my Kimber Heros out of the ballpark! It wasn't even a contest! You're right, once you hear RSC cables, there's no going back to anything else!”
– Jeff S.

“The background is now jet black and super deep. It's like there is zero noise coming into the system. And, the sound staging is better, with great width and depth. The overall sound is totally smooth and totally transparent.”
– Robert H.

“TARA Labs speaker cable not only revealed what was missing, they showed that my previous cable had a mid-range tonal emphasis. I also noticed a solid improvement in bass extension and high frequency resolution. TARA Labs speaker cable has NO sound.”
– Tom W.

“RSC Interconnects - I have enjoyed hours of cable movies and digital playback without glare 'hardness' or 'beaminess'. All other cables I have auditioned, and they are many; typically emphasize a potion of the sound at the expense of overall performance. Many are too neutral, lacking in dynamics. Others are lively, a bit 'out of control'. Some are way too forward, 'in your face'. By sharp contrast, TARA Labs cables present a soundstage that emerges naturally, out of silence, and does not draw attention to itself. TARA Labs RSC interconnects have NO sound.”
– Tom S.

“TARA Labs speaker cable not only revealed what was missing, they showed that my previous cable had a mid-range tonal emphasis. I also noticed a solid improvement in bass extension and high frequency resolution. TARA Labs speaker cable has NO sound.”
– Jay T.

“Prism AC Power Cord - These cords provide a solid, quiet platform for electrical current to flow. The audio and video are 'effortless' and the dynamics are natural without compression. Yes, TARA Labs Prism power cords also have NO sound. We all want value for our money, but TARA Labs products offer much more...nothing!”
– Allan S.

“The color saturation really stood out in the digitally transferred films, A Bug's Life and Pleasantville. The scene in Pleasantville when David takes his date out to "the spot" and the petals falling from the trees are pink for the first time was breathtaking. Akira Kurosawa's classic The Hidden Fortress was a delight to watch again. The black and white film really showcased the improvement in contrast. The areas of mid to dark shadows showed an impressive level of detail and the film grain was wonderfully preserved. By this time, I wanted to rediscover my entire DVD library, even if it was only a few scenes from each movie.”
- Bill R.

“As with all Tara products, the AD / 10B imparts no coloration to the sound and I could detect no loss of dynamic range. It revealed the differences between tube and solid state equipment, emphasizing the positive qualities of both. The liquidity and musicality of tubes and the speed and dynamics of solid state.”
– Tom W.

“I like the Air 1's better in my system. I also have a pair of Air 2 speaker cables. Amazing sound from both. I've died and gone to heaven – I swear. Thanks for your time and research. I am one of your loyal customers that is truly enjoying your efforts. And I did listen to XLO, Straightwire, & JPS Labs. I bought TARA Labs. Amen.”
- Kevin L.

“The pinpoint imaging of voices behind the mikes was surgically precise. The cable mastered relative distances between the singers and, as a bonus, it also depicted relative heights of the singers. Usually I hear this track with the voices coming as if from the same horizontal level – this time I could hear how tall the singer were.” - Audiodrom online magazine 2014

“By the clever design TARA Labs have managed to achieve the goal when timing is unified across the frequency spectrum and the system provides crystal clear view of the soundstage not only in spatial domain, but also in temporal domain.” – Audiodrom online magazine 2014
Tara Lab's super annealing process,
Super Annealing™

The Super-Annealing process was developed by TARA Labs to improve the conductor’s ability to deliver a more neutral and transparent signal than ever before. Even the small differences in conductivity create audible differences in sound quality. Super-Annealing is a specialized metallurgical treatment that purifies and softens a conductor’s structure to lower it’s specific resistivity and dramatically increase the length and size of crystals in copper conductors.

The Super-Annealing process is performed in an oxygen-free environment to create an ultra-pure conductor with long-grain copper crystals. Traditional copper conductors are composed of much smaller crystals. The multiple breaks or junctions between these smaller crystals cause increased noise due to the diode effect of these junctions. They alter the flow of electrical signals and cause distortion.
This is a New never before produced speaker cable by Tara Lab's that is designed to save space by intergrating the entire left channel together and right channel together,instead of seperate positive and negative run's of speaker cable, and designed for today's wide-band amplifier's that cannot use extended band-width speaker cable's to achieve a complete balanced tonality, Making Sense of …. OMEGA CX Speaker Cable

The TARA Labs OMEGA CX is the first controlled bandwidth speaker cable from TARA Labs that uses a balanced Inductance and Capacitance conductor arrangement. While Tara Labs high end speaker cable normally feature separate conductor paths for the positive and negative runs, to make one channel, the OMEGA CX is an integrated conductor configuration with positive and negative runs in one cable per channel.

The balanced Capacitance and Inductance measurements for this cable make it appropriate for wide bandwidth amplifiers and loudspeaker applications. The OMEGA CX is especially recommended for systems with a tendency towards harshness or high frequency glare
The Grand Master Evolution - 8ft/2.4m

The new Evolution speaker cable is a stunning achievement, boasting the greatest current-carrying capability of any speaker cable in the world, together with the High Frequency extension and linearity of a 32-gauge conductor. The Evolution Speaker Cable is an all air-dielectric design with 288 Rectangular Solid Core ® conductors per channel.

Importantly, the gauge size for each channel is far greater than any speaker cable ever made or ever conceived in history. The gauge size is not 10, or 6, or 4, or even 0. The gage size for an Evolution Speaker Cable is 000, that's an area of 85,000 square millimeters per channel.

• BSM (with 1/4"or 5/16" Spades or Bananas)
• Gauge size is 000 = an area of 85 Square mm per channel
• SA-OF8N® copper.
• Each channel comprised of 288 Rectangular Solid Core ® conductors per channel
• Aero-PE® GMI™ dielectric.
• Separate positive and negative conductor run for each channel.
• Helixed Rectangular Solid Core® conductors and air-tube technology
• Gauge size is 000 = an area of 85 Square mm per channel
• TARA Labs "C" hook revolutionary new termination
• Spectacular power and clarity. Absolutely neutral and coherent.
• Superb resolution of micro-detail and ambient information.
• Incredible dynamic contrasts & vivid imagery
• Holographic soundstage & superb resolution of micro-details
• Excellent imaging & absolute coherent and neutral
• Holographic soundstage & superb resolution of micro-details
This is the new Omega Evolution speaker cable's,though Tara Lab's still makes the original Omega Gold speaker cable's, this is the replacement that is second in model line-up, while the Omega Gold is now third in the current model line up, The Omega™ Evolution - 8ft/2.4m

The Omega Evolution has now become one of TARA Labs ultimate speaker cables. The Omega Evolution is just one step below the Grandmaster Evolution speaker cables. The RSC conductors are insulated with a fine layer of aerospace polyethylene, a very neutral material with almost no audible effect.

The Omega Evolution delivers lifelike, almost holographic sound, pin-point imaging and clear resolution of fine detail with extreme ease. What you will hear is an accurate harmonic structure extending upwards with the finest and most delicate of high frequencies. This will be contrasted with a vanishingly low noise floor. The reproduction of the recorded space can only be described as holographic. The qualities of a reverberation and ambient retrieval are simply astonishing. The Omega Evolution has a level of performance that is beyond comparison to any other speaker cable in the world with the obvious exception of the Grandmaster Evolution.
•BSM (with 1/4'’ or 5/16’’ Spades or Bananas
•4+ gauge conductor runs per channel
•SAOF-8N copper
•Each channel comprised of 224 RSC Gen 2 conductors in Aero-PE GMI dielectric
•Separate positive and negative conductor run for each channel
•Helixed Rectangular Solid-Core conductors and air-tube technology
•Spectacular power and clarity. Absolutely neutral and coherent
•Superb resolution of micro-detail and ambient information
•Powerful dynamic contrasts. Superbly defined and vivid images