Hi Schubert, That depends on what you or some one considers mid-priced speaker cables, In the case of price point you are talking about, yes, I can see how you would think that the new affordable Tara Labs Air Forte speaker cables are exspensive, The Air Forte is a new introduced model that has not been in the market but 5 months, Schubert, their is alot of folks that believe they should never spend big money on cables, I for one use to be one of those people, until I heard what was possible, No, not all cables are worth their asking retail price, most componet's are not worth the asking price to me either, however, this hobby, as we all know is exspensive, In the case of the Tara Labs Air Forte speaker cables, you get more than what you pay for in this price point compaired to other brand speaker cables, that is why I said, This cable is a good bang for the dollar,cheers.