Preamp - 18 dB Gain too low?

Being a newbie to audio stuff, I'd like to hear your opinion whether should I replace my preamp. To get to a reasonable loud volume, my preamp has to be at around 1PM to 2PM position for most of CD and music DVD. Should I get another preamp with higher gain? If so how much more? Why don't the manufacturers make higher gain? Probably some sonic compromise with high gain active preamp?

Any suggestions are welcomed.

Preamp: Conrad Johnson PV-10AL, gain 18 dB.
Amp: Shuguang S845MK (tube amp 848)
Speakers: Tekton Lore (Sensitivity 98 dB)
Room: 25 x 17 x 8'
1 to 2 o'clock is just fine, in fact it may be the best postition to get the maximum performance out of your pre-amps volume control.

26db was common when vinyl was king and low output phono pre-amps were used. Amps also had lower sensitivity. With the digital outputs are high (anywhere from 2v the standart I think to 6v), the pre-amp really no longer needs to add much if any gain at all. In fact many digital sources need no gain what so ever from the pre-amp, more probably some attenuation. Note all of the folks complaining that their volume is to high if the VC is higher than 8 or 9 o'clock. In a way you are blessed. :-)
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