Preamp - 18 dB Gain too low?

Being a newbie to audio stuff, I'd like to hear your opinion whether should I replace my preamp. To get to a reasonable loud volume, my preamp has to be at around 1PM to 2PM position for most of CD and music DVD. Should I get another preamp with higher gain? If so how much more? Why don't the manufacturers make higher gain? Probably some sonic compromise with high gain active preamp?

Any suggestions are welcomed.

Preamp: Conrad Johnson PV-10AL, gain 18 dB.
Amp: Shuguang S845MK (tube amp 848)
Speakers: Tekton Lore (Sensitivity 98 dB)
Room: 25 x 17 x 8'
My guess with your 98 dB efficient speakers and your normal 18 dB preamp is that your power amp has voltage gain on the low side, probably to reduce tube noise coming from your speakers. As long as you are not getting too much noise from your system you should be fine with your preamp.
You have it just right as others have said.

I read several years ago from a well regarded designer that the
"sweet spot" is between 12:00-3:00 o'clock on the dial. This is
where you are achieving near zero attenuation of the signal and getting the
maximum benefit from the preamp. Mine has 20db and sounds superb!

If you like what you are hearing I would not change. Your next step may not
be for the better. Listen first!
A lot of CJ stuff inverts polarity and since you said you were relatively new to high end audio, you might double check to see if you have the proper polarity.
My CJ preamp is inverted phase. I made a mistake but corrected. Frankly I could not tell the different between correct and incorrect phase. No volume gain or loss after correcting phase. Good call Montytx.
Thank you all. Sound like I have been worried out of nothing.

Initially I hooked up the amps with a passive preamp Lightspeed Attenuator and the volume was low, dialing around 2:00 to 4:00 to have reasonable sound. Figured that active preamp would help, swapped out to CJ and it did. The volume knob is now at 1:00 to 2:00

The amp sensitivity is 4V. Is it low or high? I have no idea what 4 Volts really mean in term of sonic amplification.