Manley Stingray question

Hi Folks,

I have been far removed from audio world for about a year and a half. I learned I was going to have my first child, so money got scarce. Well, he learned to crawl about two weeks ago, and now every time I look at my amp I see shattered tubes and a crying kid in its future. I am thinking of selling it. It is a first generation (I think) Manley stingray, with ul and triode switches, sub out, and loop/rec out/in. No headphone amp, I-dock, or remote. I bought it new on audiogon about three years ago for, maybe, $900? I was looking at prices and they seemed way high, even for the older model that I have. What happened? Is my sleep deprived brain forgetting what I paid for it (quite possible)? Did something change that I am missing? Thanks for any info.
Rrog.You seemed very knowledgable about Manley line,what do you think about 240 Ref vs Neo250 or Neo500,did they really improved them as they are selling?
The original output tubes used were the Yugoslav Ei 6BQ5. Those have been out of production and unavailable since, when? The 1990's? The Russian NOS 6Pi14Pi EL84Ms are fantastic output tubes. They are rugged and last forever. Of course to some folks, unobtainable tubes always sound better...

B+ was lowered slightly and DC heaters were added to original Stingrays a very long time ago to be kinder to all EL84's and to allow for non-spiral-wound input tube heaters for quieter operation.

An important addition to the Stingray II and iTube models is the increased B+ capacity over the old models. You can really hear the deeper and tighter LF slam with those 8 x 1200uF caps in the HV rails.

The newest Stingray II and Stingray iTube models include all switching and I/O options everyone always wanted and more. Tetrode/Triode switching as standard, and of course RF remote control. There is even a sleep timer. I am totally guilty of feature creep, and I put all those features on there because I could. That's why.
"Of course to some folks, unobtainable tubes always sound better..."

Then maybe you can explain why your engineers selected the EI tubes in the first place. And now another NOS tube is being used even though it is not up to the quality of the original EI tubes. You also forgot to mention the transformer change and lower power rating to accommodate the current output tubes.

The original Stingray is a wonderful purist design and all out effort by Manley Labs. Too bad we cannot say the same thing about the Stingray II.