Newbie building modest system ...what amp?

I have a adcom gtp 400, rega rp1 so far with kimber kables for interconnects and speaker cables.

In search of Vandersteen 2ce's.

Looking to spend in the 500-600 range used for a power amp. Then will be on the hunt for a used preamp after that.

Any input would be appreciated.
i have a rega rp1 keeping

amp...adcom 545
preamp ...adcom 400
speakers...DCM TF600's

Those 3 I want to upgrade one at a time over the next few months.

A audiophile friend recommended I up grade the preamp and not the amp for now so I can spend more on a preamp.

The Vandersteens always seem to be available for sale a lot so thats why the preamp then the speakers was my thought process.
The speaker to room/listening position is the most important consideration, followed by the speaker to amp consideration, followed by the amp to pre consideration. Take those considerations out of order at your own peril. It might work, or you might box yourself out of better options.
For the budget of $600, Baby Amplifier from Sophia Electric could be the best choice for sonic performance and resale value. Noted the increasing resale value due to rising cost of making them in the first place.