On High Current Amps and Regenerators


I'm hoping that you fine people can help me to clear up this question, and perhaps to explain the 'why' behind things.

I had a high power, Class D amp (Spectron) that had a long history of issues. When I first bought it, a friend said, "Feed your Maggies with good, clean power" and recommended the Spectron along with a PS Audio P500 regenerator.

Now that amp is out the door, and I'm lining up a replacement amp, a Spectron M3 MK2, new.

I've also replaced the P500 with a new and more powerful PS Audio P10 regenerator. In the P10 manual, it says to plug high-wattage-draw devices into the High Current zone, which has an in-rush limiter. I've plugged the Spectron amp into the HC zone with the current setup, as well as on the older P500.

From PS Audio's site: "From medium to large power amplifiers to the smallest pieces of source equipment, the P10 will work magic on your system’s performance."

Okay, cool so far.

But in a nice email discussion I had with Simon from Spectron today, he said, "From your last e-mail I learn that you have had PS Audio power conditioners with isolation transformers. When asked I STRONGLY recommend NOT to use such power conditioners with high power amplifiers like Spectron, Krell, Plinius etc. They slow signal and frequently blow fuses....."

So here's the rub: I live in an area that has sketchy power and frequent spikes, surges, and power outages, making protection pretty important. On any given day -- even with the sun shining -- battery backup devices for the computers trigger off in the house with no warning. The P10 is supposed to provide a level of protection for expensive audio equipment -- the very reason I bought it. (And, by the way, I've never blown a fuse in any component, just the 2.5A tweeter fuse on the Maggies from driving them hard.)

Simon has recommended passive devices such as the Prana Linebacker and Audience APR products, but they don't appear to offer any protection, just signal cleanup.

Am I putting my amp at risk by using the High Current outlet of the P10 Regenerator? Is it more at risk going straight to the wall with 'dirty' power? Am I clobbering the sound by using the regenerator? And, if the P10 is regenerating pure, 120V power, how could it possibly harm the amp?

A dedicated line and whole-house conditioner is not an option at this time.

So, if you will, please shed some light. I'm getting a bit confused by the conflicting recommendations.

Just for the record, the Audience units do provide quite a bit of protection and really work great with my Pass Labs X350.5.
I also have whole house surge protection on the breaker box.
Our amps don't seem to like the 'power regenerator' line conditioners either, but OTOH neither will our amps be damaged by AC line problems as described.

I would also go with Spectron's recommendations. I am sure he knows what he is talking about :)
I use Furman Elite 20PFi with class D Rowland 102 amp. According to Furman's technical data it can provide 55 amperes peak current. My amp is connected to high current outputs. I don't hear any loss of dynamics or other negative effects but my amp can deliver only 150W per channel (with my 6ohm speakers) while Spectron is rated 500W per channel. Furman has very tight non-sacrificial over/undervoltage protection. If you already know about spikes in supply voltage then perhaps installing in addition "whole house" overvoltage protection at the fusebox would be wise.

I'm not sure why you need to regenerate the power when good filtering might do the job and possibly you might need only overvolatge protection, but I would trust Simon who has more experience with Spectron amplifiers.
I have been to many people with highend sets in my life during consulting. Many of them used PS Audio Regenerators. They have one thing in common, at the end they sls it again. Wenn I ask them why: they were not convinced enough.
The only power protection equipment that I ever heard that didn't restrict a power amp in some way was a Running Springs Audio Jaco.

Most power amps are better off going straight into the wall, however, if that makes you nervous due to dirty power, I'd suggest using a RSA power conditioner OR looking into a commercial isolation transformer. I do know one guy who did this, he had two huge commercial isolation transformers installed in his basement (about 600 pounds each). That's some pretty serious coin right there though.