Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I am not sure their is a such a thing as a best, but to be in the conversation as best is good, usb cables are a bust as far as i am concerned, the whole concept is not up to standards of quality analog interconnects, their is no magic fix it all with usb cables, all of you can do a search and know that usb cables do not price as high as analog interconnects, is their a reason for this?, make your own decisions.
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03-16-15: Bvdiman
err.. I'm sure you can't do all your listening just through cables?
A run down of components within the context of system in which they are listened to would be helpful and give all a clearer picture thx.
JBL L7 speakers and Krell FPB700cx amp
Please go to the link below and read, they used the Tara Labs GME (Grandmaster Evolution). There's a new comment from another listener this morning preferring the sound of the Vertere HB cables. He thinks the GME sounds a bit exaggerated. So far, there seem to be consensus even with the owner of the GME that the Vertere HB Phono cable is better, and so is the Vertere USB cable. Like I said earlier, cables are system dependent. You sound like a salesman for Tara Labs, and much like the people on the High Fidelity thread you had issues with earlier.

Interesting read/comparison from AE.hk :
