Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?

I have listened to PMC speakers (GB1i, FB1i, OB1i) with various integrated (Bryston B100&135, Simaudio 340i, Krell s300i, NAD M3) and was not closed to being satisfied. So I have decided to splurge a little to get Pass Labs integrated. Has anyone tried Int-150/30A or their amp version (x150.5/XA30.5) with PMC FB1i? What's each combination like?

Seems like many people match OB1i with Int-150 but am curious to hear what PMCs sound like with the Pass Labs Class A setup...

I will be using NAD M51 as DAC.
The 30a will be about 100x2 in a/b @ 8 and about double that at 4ohms.

If you audition the 30 amplifier and the meter doesn't move, the integrated will perform exactly the same way.

Keep that in mind as well as listening habits....
Do you like it really loud?
If so, you may be better served with the 150......

PS: with the exception of bias circuitry the 2 amps are remarkably alike.
Hi Picfink,

Thank you for the tip on the meter. I never paid attention to that. I think I should pay the Pass dealer and spend more time on the amps.

I don't listen to music loud since I have very young kids in the house. That said, I hope to have all the detail and staging at a not-so-loud level. Like most people, I only crank up the music when I not getting the detail and the staging.

I just read a blog where XA60.5 was used on PMC IB2i. Quite amazing...
Fiddle, INT30A! That's one sweet sounding amp. I have XA30.5 and Desmond of Pass once told me its actual output is closer to 60 watts class A into 8 ohms.

Czbbcl, Focal Be and Pass class A are quite an amazing match. I had 1008Be and now 1028Be, both sets are driven by XA30.5. Meter rarely move (if at all) in my 18x25 room.

What are you using for a pre-amp? And what type of music do
you listen to?

Thanks Chuck
Hi Chuck, I have Pass XP-10 pre. My music preference are rock, jazz (vocal), EDM and some classical.