Just to update, I have had a chance to home-demo a Hegel H200 integrated in my rig for about 3 days. The unit is well broken-in and the gentleman who loaned me the unit has been using it. I didn't start the evaluation until it was in my rig for at least 20 hours playing music constantly.
It went up against my Pass combo (XA30.5 + XP-10) and I must say Pass combo wins with ease. This is expected given their MSRP price differences. But I was impressed enough with H200 that if you're looking for an integrated in sub $4-5k range, H200 is a must audition. It sounded quite nice, but just not at Pass separates level.
I might also audition H300 (many people say H300 is at another level than H200), hopefully in the next a couple of months.