Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?

I have listened to PMC speakers (GB1i, FB1i, OB1i) with various integrated (Bryston B100&135, Simaudio 340i, Krell s300i, NAD M3) and was not closed to being satisfied. So I have decided to splurge a little to get Pass Labs integrated. Has anyone tried Int-150/30A or their amp version (x150.5/XA30.5) with PMC FB1i? What's each combination like?

Seems like many people match OB1i with Int-150 but am curious to hear what PMCs sound like with the Pass Labs Class A setup...

I will be using NAD M51 as DAC.
To my surprise, they sound very similar. Pass combo is just more refined and has a calmer, sweeter presentation.
I would think the H300 would be a better comparison and if the 200 is that good perhaps the 300 is worth considering. Also looking closer into the Boulder 865 integrated. I really would rather find an acceptable integrated instead of sticking 100 lb mono-blocs (xa100.5's) next to my speakers.

To Dongr I previously had a Cary SLI-80F1 and then a home audition of a Pass INT-30.

Yes, H300 is definitely worth a look for anyone who's looking for one box solution. H300 even has a built-in dac btw, unlike H200. With Hegel claiming H300 was built from the ground up and not from H200, I'm not sure what to expect of it. To me, H300 has to be at least on par with my Pass combo for me to switch. A little less and not sure if I could live with it long term. I feel what I currently have is the absolute minimum.

Chuck, Boulder 865 looks very interesting. I will look into it too. I do need HT bypass and a set of pre-outs to drive the sub.
The Boulder lists for $12,500 so it is a bit on the pricey side for an Integrated and not sure it has all the features you are looking for.
