Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Zephyr24069, you have a right to your opinion, and that is all it is, an opinion!, there is NO hyperbole here that you speak of, No propaganda either, based on many years of my own exsperience, and not long ago recent auditions of alot of the new cable's by Tara Labs, their description's of the sound of each model of cable's they have has been spot on with what I have heard, over the past year, by way of e-mail's, and phone calls, and this thread, I have helped many with their Tara Labs question's and building their system's with Tara Labs cables, cheers.
Tara Labs conductor's,Why Rectangular?

Tara Lab's patented RSC conductors have become the definitive technology in high-end audio cables. The rectangular shape offers a unique advantage over round conductors. They have the necessary mass for solid bass, yet are thin enough for a coherent reproduction of mid-range and high frequencies. The RSC is not subject to the same high frequency losses that hamper traditional round conductors. To further understand the principle behind RSC technology, it is necessary to understand a phenomenon known as "skin effect" This principle states that in a round conductor, higher frequencies will tend to travel towards the outside (or skin) of the conductor, while lower frequencies will travel closer to the center of the conductor. The larger the diameter of a round conductor, the worse the effect will be, resulting in a significant roll-off of high frequencies in large gauge conductors. Because of its rectangular cross section, an RSC conductor essentially has no center like a round conductor. Therefore it does not suffer the same high frequency losses.
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Good Day All-

I will defend Keith (audiolabyrinth) as he very clearly knows TL cables/cords inside and out. We have enjoyed many conversations both online & offline. This man believes in TL and has owned many, many of their products over the years. He is also an authority on older Krell power amps, which he continues to use in 2015.

We both enjoy the passion of after market cables and power cords. Different brands and tastes aside- I stand tall w/ Audiolabyrinth. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!