Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Good Day All-

I will defend Keith (audiolabyrinth) as he very clearly knows TL cables/cords inside and out. We have enjoyed many conversations both online & offline. This man believes in TL and has owned many, many of their products over the years. He is also an authority on older Krell power amps, which he continues to use in 2015.

We both enjoy the passion of after market cables and power cords. Different brands and tastes aside- I stand tall w/ Audiolabyrinth. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thankyou Jafant, I have done nothing to the couple of people here, I am not asking everyone to like what I do, however, I do have a passion about what I enjoy, other's may enjoy some other brand's of cable's and componet's, I understand, that is why their is a market place for many!
However, I will say take the audition of some of the Best Tara Labs has to offer, if you have the money for the big performance cables, your done!, you will likly not say nothing to anyone or talk on these threads, most Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution, Zero Evolution, Zero Gold cable owners do not wast their time on these threads, everyone always finds a way to bash them for what they own!, I know, look at the comments here, and I have talked to many that own the better Tara cables that I have, they said the same, you will be bashed for nothing!