Help with Vintage B&K Power/Pre Amps

I have a ST2140 power amp and a PRO 10MC Sonata Series preamp... thought I had trouble with one of my tweeters (right speaker sounding overly bright to the point of listening fatigue)... a friend brought over a pair of B&W monitors and after plugging them in, the right speaker had overly bright highs as well... anyone have any idea what might be causing this... do I need to send the 2140 into B&K to diagnose, or maybe the PRO 10MC, or both... any suggestions appreciated... this journey down the vintage equipment road can be challenging... thanks in advance.
Just the nature of the beast with B&W.The brand is all hype and yes they sound clinical.
What's your budget there are just so many better speakers out there
Hi Tobb... thanks for the reply... just to clarify, my question was related to my B&K components... the B&W speakers were used to swap out my speakers to verify my sound issues weren't related to the speakers... swapped the L/R RCA Interconnects on the preamp and my sound issue in fact moved from the right speaker to the left... so, it appears I have an issue with my B&K PRO10MC preamp... not sure if it's worth sending in for service or to just look for another preamp... maybe a Classe CP50 or stepping into the entry level tube preamp realm...
I would be surprised if it was not more affordable to have the B&K serviced.
However before I went to the Classe I would check out Coda's new 7X.
They are using very high end double gated FETs and with their
high impedance produce a very tube like sound.