High-gain vs Low-gain Headphone Amp

I am using Meier audio Corda 3move portable headphone amplifier, lately bought a Sennheiser HD600.
I wonder should I set the headphone amp at a Low-gain or High-gain , to get an optimal sonic reproduction?

BTW, whats the sonic differences between the two setting (High-gain vs Low-gain)?

I am anxiously looking forward for your opinions and suggestions and thanks in advance
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THANKS Elizabeth for your opinions and suggestions.
I did follow your suggestions and confer your opinions that I like the Lower level output better with my HD600 on listening to classical musics.You are RIGHT:all I have to do is just to increase the volume control little -by-little to find out "my optimal" sound
It's important to remember that gain and/or volume is kind of complicated. As one example, the AC power coming from the headphone amp will have a certain number of milliwatts. Since a watt always has a ratio of voltage to current (i.e., Amps), two amps with the same gain in terms of Watts may sound very different given the headphones in question and what the ratio between volts to Amps is (1:1, 3:1, 1:3, etc.). By analogy, current is like toque in an automotive engine. So, if you have a pair of headphones that are hard to "get moving", a higher ratio of current to voltage may be required for good sound even if you only have, 500 milliwatts or 1/2 a Watt total. High-current headphone amps include the Cavalli Liquid Gold, the Pass HPA-1, and the Woo WA5-LE. Low current/high voltage amps include, say, the Woo WA6-SE. The best thing to do is just listen closely and not worry about the rest. :--)