Einstein The Tube vs Audio Reaserch REF5

I am seriously considering only these 2 preamps for my set up Tannoy Westminster + Manley NEO500 + McIntosh CD1100(it has preamp section already)in near future.Einstein Mk1(now used 2650euros)Mrk2(4000 euros)Mrk3(6000 euros) or AR ref5 used (6000 euros).I heard Einstein mrk3 and it was orgasmic experience,awesome bass,never heard it in my system before(that was with McIntosh2301 + McIntosh cd1100 which I had for a try for couple of days,but too expensive for me so Iam purchasing 1 year old Manley Neo500 for a lot less + cd1100,maybee late I will switch to 2301's).I still don¨t know about preamp though.Ithink I would not go wrong with any of them,but visualy I like Einstein better.Any thoughts?
impedance matching w/ ARC gear is important; would not work well w/ Mcintosh, but no idea on input sensitivity of manley.

did own eisntein mk1 which is a very nice preamp, responds well to NOS tubes, upgraded power cord and footers. biggest issue i had w/ it was how little of the volume control was usable---very coarse (pot shunt arrangement). ARC is miles ahead in that regard. both are wonderful pieces.

i now own ref 5se, which is a wonderful piece.

nothing but good things to say about factory support from both.
Input impedance for your Manley Neo 500 Classic is 116Kohms via single-ended and 270Kohms via XLR at 1KHz (although it does dip down to 20Khz/38KHz respectively at 20Hz in the low bass region). You should be fine matching it with the ARC Ref 5SE, especially if you connect via XLR interconnects. I have no view on the Einstein pre but just letting you know that from an impedance matching perspective, you should be ok with the ARC Ref 5SE in combo with your Manley amps.

By the way, since you have Manley amps, have you considered a Manley preamp?
Yes,I would consider Manely preamp.I will be using xlr cables McIntosh and Harmonix.Tommorow I am going to the studio to get McIntosh cd1100 which has preamp section,but I have heard almost the same set up only with Einstein preamp and that was so much better then with preamp in cd1100 but it was also satisfying if not compared side by side.