Gumby, are you referring to the XDA preamp they have? That was also too bright in my system, plus the volume is lossy, so it wasn't a good purchase for me. I'd beg to differ on it beating units costing much more as some find the DAC Magic by Cambridge to be better. But the Emo amps can be good depending on the speakers.
What I don't like about their amps is the small power supplies and Caps they have. They get around this by higher gain structures, but owners of some speakers complain of hiss. Their power is always spec'd to .1% THD so at rated power they're already climbing rapidly into distortion.
Krell or other amps, heck even Outlaw Audio, have better cap and power supplies and don't have the dancing LED lights straight out of the 80's that the Emotiva amps have. Having said that, for the money spent they are decent. Their newer line looks better, the XPR series. To each their own I guess.
What I don't like about their amps is the small power supplies and Caps they have. They get around this by higher gain structures, but owners of some speakers complain of hiss. Their power is always spec'd to .1% THD so at rated power they're already climbing rapidly into distortion.
Krell or other amps, heck even Outlaw Audio, have better cap and power supplies and don't have the dancing LED lights straight out of the 80's that the Emotiva amps have. Having said that, for the money spent they are decent. Their newer line looks better, the XPR series. To each their own I guess.