Emotiva XPA-2

I've heard this called mid fi crap and no better than mass market junk.My ears say different.And yes i clean them using this stuff called auro and pluck the hair out.Unlike some folks giving their opinions.
Having owned very expensive amps,Krell 300s,Pass x-350,Counterpoint NP220,the list is almost endless.The Threshold T series 100,200 and 400 were in my system.The McCormack upgraded DNA-1 lasted about two days,along with Belles Ref.Sorry Dave.Granted, everything comes down to synergy.
Thats why we try this then that,regretting the bad choices we make and the massive amounts of money we waste in the process.
Call me waxing nostalgiac but my sonic memories of Marantz recievers are pretty good.Folks we get caught up in the BS.Trust your ears,to hell with opinion.Doesn't matter.I got this amp that sounds great and I plan on installing better fuses etc.
Heres the rub as soon as you say some positive stuff the cost doubles and then other less well to do folks find it out of reach and in a crowded expensive market,So maybe its better to say ,"everyones right it is a POS,then smile and turn the volume up".I can afford something costlier as fortunes have it.Perhaps all those naysayers are using SS pres.Personally i loathe SS preamps,I had the Pass Aleph p,Threshold T2 i believe it was along with fet-10 and a few others.Folks get a Manley shrimp,or BAT or Arc or VTl 2.5 even or any of those others like CJ 17ls.
I am currently using aes six PAC el34 tube amps, but used the emotiva xpa2gen for 6-8months prior to going all tube. The xpa replaced an aging b&k ex442 and there was no comparison. There was markedly more dynamic range and detail with the emotiva. The bottom end control of the xpa with my gallos was excellent. Best of all it had detail even at lower volumes. I guess this is due to its large power reserves. To me it sounded very much like the krell gear that I have heard. It had the same "bite" on cymbal crashes, etc. It seemingly epitomizes the difference between hyper detailed solid state amplifiers and softer, less fatiguing tubes. Fwiw I plan on keeping the xpa2 and building a second system around the xpa2 if/when we move from our current home.
I had to sell my X250.5 and i bought a used but low hour Emotiva XPR-2 for $1100 shipped, im using it with a VK-51SE and i do not miss the Pass. Ted
XPA-2 is a very good value amp.
I had it in my system before upgrading to the XPA-1

It would be interesting to hear how it sounds with a few tweaks.
I had an XPA amp as well as a DAC and cd player from Emotiva. I don't care for their house sound, with my Paradigm sigs the amp was bright and sterile sounding, with occasional sibilance. I think it depends on the speakers as their amps don't seem to play well with all speaker brands.
Hmmm, well that is the Paradigm house sound.

Ron I agree on that Cullen Crossover, very fine PC .