I believe that the volume potentiometer (pot) is the single most important component that can have detrmental effect on sound quality, this is why they all sound different to each other.
All volume controls have pin point touch contact that are purposely made light in pressure as not to wear out the resistive track or contact points, all the music signal has to try to pass through these contacts.
These contacts/track are also mostly made dissimilar elements/metals which can have a "diode effect" which tries to rectify the ac music signal, this is a form of distortion.
In order what I believe is the best type of volume controls.
1: Lightspeed (ldr based) Attenuator or TVC (transformer based) = no contacts in the siganl path.
2: Mercury Wetted Relays = with gold or silver contacts in a mercury bath, they also resist tranishing /arcing, also are becoming illegal.
3: Good quality relays = with gold or silver contacts
4: Switched resistor = double leaf, each side of the wiper contact
5: Switched resistor = single leaf on one side of the wiper
6: Potentiometer (Pot) = conductive plastic track
7: Potentiometer (Pot) = carbon track
Cheers George