Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Yes, John, you may be correct about tinkering with your Dmitri conditioner, I know a few audiophiles out there that have changed out their outlets out there in their conditioner's to good effect, you may look for someone who has done this to a running springs audio Dmitri conditioner and ask their opinion, I personally do not have experience changing any outlets in any conditioners, but I can tell you many have discussed this with me, however, I will tell you based on my experience, the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium's can work on solid state and tube equipment, more or less the particular sound character of each component and speakers, and cables play a role if the outlet is a good match for the rest of the sound you going after.
Hi Sabai, I look forward to you coming to this thread, currently, we are talking a lot about the outlet's, something you inspired me to do, and you certainly inspired me to go with the Furutech GTX R's, Cheer's.
Steve, I cannot afford currently Tara Lab's best offering, I'm lucky to have their 3rd best in the model line up, I do not know if I would ever have a system that can support the Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution cable system, what would be feasible, would obtain the Zero Evolution I/C and Omega Evolution, Evolution A/C cable system, I'm not in a rush, I enjoy what I have, that is a big jump in money and performance that I cannot do right now, thank you anyway Steve.

I think I changed the minds of a few people regarding the rhodiums. I cannot comment on Tara cables because I have never had them in my system. But I can say that I feel you are being criticized by others for doing virtually the same thing they are doing on their own threads -- albeit more subtly. In the end it amounts to the same thing, IMO.
Hi Sabai, you are correct, thank you, are you still using the Furutech GTX R's?, are you using the wall frames?