Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Sabai, you are correct, thank you, are you still using the Furutech GTX R's?, are you using the wall frames?
Sabai, A good system that would be of interest to you to check out Tara Labs cables would be the JBL Everest DD-67000 speakers with the Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution complete cable system power by Dan D Agostini momentum mono blocks, and a good turntable, or a tube digital front end, ect..., this would bring a smile to your face, Cheers

Yes I am still using the Furutech GTX Rhodium. In fact, I just ordered a generic carbon fiber wall frame. I find the price of the Furutech wall frame a bit on the high side. Which wall frame are you using?
Hi Sabai, I'm using the Furutech wall frames, I agree, they are expensive, I do not recommend using the supplied Furutech 2" wood thread none magnetic stainless steel screw's that come with the Furutech wall frames!, they kill the sound stage bloom, they sound mechanical, I find the zinc 6-32 or 8-32 2" screw's to sound natural, with good bloom, cheers.

Thanks for letting me know about the screws. I had no idea they could make a difference.