Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Sabai, I'm using the Furutech wall frames, I agree, they are expensive, I do not recommend using the supplied Furutech 2" wood thread none magnetic stainless steel screw's that come with the Furutech wall frames!, they kill the sound stage bloom, they sound mechanical, I find the zinc 6-32 or 8-32 2" screw's to sound natural, with good bloom, cheers.

Thanks for letting me know about the screws. I had no idea they could make a difference.
Yes Sabai, install the zinc highly magnetic screw's the same way the Furutech instructions say to install on the frame's, you will be pleased.
Hi Sabai, Do you read much stereophile?, check out the cable section of the 2015 recommend components, look for Tara Labs, any Evolution series Tara cables, what's your thought's on the entire reviews?, cheers.