Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Sabai, I was referring to the cable section of the 2015 stereophile recommended components, take a peek, I enjoyed reading all of that section.
Gentleman, Carry on, none of you are hi jacking this thread, I have enjoyed reading your post I to have heard a lot about the after burner 8 wpo's, however, I have no experience with them, I have experienced all the Furutech GTX R and G model's, for some reason, as Chris Vanhause of vh-audio described, I experienced the same, it was a train wreck of sound that was terrible when mixing the rhodium's with gold GTX, at least on my system, lol, two outlet's only, they seemed to work against each other, happy listening.
John, the Furutech GTX R or G takes about 750 hrs to break in fully, I know, I know, seems far fetched!, however, as it turns out, they do, they go up and down through break in, just to let you know, I hated break in of these!, the out come is quite nice though, cheers.