Isolation for DAC/Class D Power Amp


There are many threads on isolation, but I have a more specific question. I understand isolation has great benefits for mechanically sensitive devices such as speakers, turntables, CD players and tube equipment. In your experience, do fancy racks, isolation, coupling etc. have any major improvement in sound with (solid state) DACs / Class D Amps. My flooring is very solid: hardwood glued on to concrete, so floor borne vibrations are not really an issue. The only remaining issue is air borne vibrations from the the music itself.

Even for concrete floors structureborne vibration is an issue, trumping airborne vibration. The Earth's crust motion forces the building structure, including cement slab, to move at low frequencies circa 0-20 Hz.
I have done extensive experimentation with isolation of my own components, and every piece has benefited.

However, what sounds best under my tubed integrated amp (Final Labs Daruma) may not be what sounds best under yours.

With that said, to answer your question, I'd say your equipment would most likely benefit too, but it will require experimentation on your part to find what works best.
It really depends on the particular dac or amp. In some cases it helps but not always. Some dacs have a tube output stage so it might be helpful in that case