Found Perfect Amp For My Needs, But Is It Too Old?

While traveling last fall, I visited an old friend in Houston. Knowing I have, for a very long time, been serious about audio,and music, he introduced me to a neighbor, that he knew was also of like mind. I spent the better part of an evening listening to his wonderful system and talking audio.

What struck me the most about his system, a number of components of which I was familiar with, were the Jeff Rowland Model 6 mono's, which literally produced the best sound I have ever heard from a solid state amplifier (and I've been a died in the wool tubes guy). He was even kind enough to take the time to allow me to hear them connected to the preamp and cd player from his "office system" the Modwright LS100, and the Oppo Model 95, both of which I own.

My question surrounds the question of long term reliability, and/or servicing that older Rowland amplifiers might need. His performed perfectly, but the situation with those is likely a somewhat unusual case. He was the original owner, and purchased them locally. Since then, thay have never moved from their original place of installation in his listening room, while also being connected to dedicated power, as well as expensive power conditioning equipment. A rare, optimum situation.

I seem to recall reading often that caps need replacement in older amplifiers. And I expect servicing of the amplifers by Rowland might well cost very serious money. Possibly as much as buying some amplifiers?

Having heard those Model 6 monoblocks, I would dearly love to locate and buy a pair. But I need to be able to count on twenty years of service due to certain recent events. These would resolve an issue I've had since last year, in being unable to uncover any tubed amplifiers that will produce the power I need, that I can afford, and which will also not massively overheat my small listening area. And my experimentation with solid state has been less than completely satisfying.

Of course the other problem I am facing is that the Model 6's almost never appear for sale. Granted, there are a rare pair for sale at the moment, here, but both faceplates are badly scratched, and the asking price is far too high in that condition.

Thanks very much for the link to the mis-listed pair of Model 6's. I've been checking at least 4-5 times a week here for the past nine monmths or so, but obviously, my seaches never caught this listing due to the mispelling. Unfortunately, I was at the hospital dealing with a family emergency (that very thankfully has ended with all being well, or at least will be). I just got home and showered and sat down to wind down ehile checking things online before getting some sleep and saw your post from yesterday. By the time I clicked on the link, it had expired a few hours earlier. :(

While, for my system, I would prefer the chrome vs black, I did leave the seller an email indicating that I might be interested in purchasing them, assuming they are available. My biggest concern is that he has no feedback, and, unlike you, I am not 100 miles away (about 600 miles for me), so the purchase would be a definite risk.

02-20-13: Jmcgrogan2
Nightfall, here's a link to that pair of Model 6 amps I was talking about. It looks like they expire in about 22 hours. Yeah, he spelt the name wrong AND has no feedback, but since he 'lives' about a 100 miles away, I was thinking of taking a look at them, maybe cash n' carry. The pair I used to own had the black faceplate too, I like that better than the silver.
Yeah, I understand, probably wouldn't work for you (or me). They are the color I like and fairly close, but like I said, I'm tight on cash at this moment.

If they were not the color I wanted, and 600 miles away, the incorrect spelling and no feedback would probably scare me off.

Oh well, that's life on the 'Gon. Another pair will come along. They are fairly rare, but not as rare as some other equipment, like a Klyne preamp.

Thanks John. Lets hope you're right about another pair coming along before too long.

Before making a decision I would recommend contacting Liberty Audio - the direct distribution arm of PBN Audio. Peter Noerbaek has a solid reputation in speaker and electronics manufacturing. You may have heard of the success of the Liberty B2B-1 phono preamplifier. I did some research and ultimately purchased one unit. Then took the next step and run two of these in mono configuration. For the money nothing (and I have tried very expensive gear) approaches the performance. His most recent project is the Liberty B2B-100 amplifier. For around $3,000 I think he has accomplished another feat. I ultimately bought two (again running in mono) and I am amazed at the capabilities. Not sure if the Liberty Audio website is populated yet with the product information so reach out directly. I can send photos, etc. to those interested.
Dale, Peter has already responded on this thread with a link about his B2B-100 amplifier. Look for the post above by Pbnaudio on 2/20/13.