Cayin TA 30 as mono block?

I have a Cayin TA 30 (bizzy bee mods), and have an opportunity to get a second one (also with bizzy bee mods) for a good price. My question is, can these amps be bridged for mono operation? The extra power (double) would be great for my not so efficient speakers.
Thanks in advance.
Not sure about using the TA-30' as monoblocks but Paul (Bizzybee) died about a year ago and his website with him. I would imagine you would probably need to use a bridging device of some sort but I'm really not sure. I'll leave that for someone in the know
Hi Rafael/Metman,
Unfortunately, Paul is no longer with us, and the website is gone. I have a couple of Decware integrated amps that I'm able to bridge (via speaker hook ups), but I'm not sure if the same thing can be done with the Cayin integrateds. Decware has mono-blocking instructions on their website.