Prefered 300B tubes for Canary Amplifiers

I'm the owner of a Canary 306 300B amplifier. The stock tubes are EH and I'm interested in upgrading to a premium set of 300B tubes. I'm wondering what others have tried and liked and wondered whether the Canarys can accept the XLS designated tubes.
Typically, 300B XLS tubes can take a higher bias current, therefore, producing higher plate dissipation. 300B XLS tubes are drop in replacements for regular 300B, but their benefits are only truly realized if you amp has adjustable bias. I have had excellent results with Emission Labs 300B XLS tubes.
I do not know how many tubes that you would require or your budget or how you define "premium." However, in my experience in my 300b SET, the best tubes are the Takatsuki TA-300b followed by the Sophia Royal Princess. Both easily best the Shuguang Black Treasures. I have not heard the "standard" Psvane or the Psvane WE Tribute or any of the EMLs or any of the less expensive Sophias.