Tube dampers/coolers effect on preamp sound?

Has anyone heard a change in sound, good or bad, when using any kind of device that damps a tubes glass bottle in a preamp ?
very interesting thread I must say!,learned alot,wanted to say Hi to gammajo,my question is,has any one tried these tweaks on a tubed cd-player like ayon to good effect or bad?,the cd 2s or 5s players.
Audiolabyrinth, I use herbie's dampers on a Jolida cd with 12AX7s. Result was more focused image, tighter bass. But again, the placement of the damper is important; for me it is near the top of the tube, level with the top of the plates.
I found this article in Stereophile about Audio Research tube dampers? I've tried to locate a seller online, but haven't had any luck. The AR website isn't very helpful.

Anyone know where to find these or have any experience with them?