New Acurus and Aragon amps. Anyone hear them yet?

I still have my A200 and A200x3 from back in the day? I use these and the ACT3 in the bedroom as a hideaway from the wifes movie night with friends and they never gave me a problem and were great then. Wondering how Indy Audio Labs did with the brand? Thanks
Thanks Sunnyhop. I just got the I.A.Labs email on the launch of the Aragon amps. The closest dealer is 1.5 hours away but I'll make an appointment to check it out on Saturday if their in stock. What gear are you using if you don't mind me asking? Might be getting thrown off Audiogon for being too up front and personal with some forum geeky losers who need to make smart ass comments about a speaker question I asked and have nothing better to do so if I do buy them and I don't say thanks you'll know why. That goes for everyone who leaves a positive comment. Too bad some people ruin it for others. I'm sure it's always the same jerkoffs doing this. And they say us British Ferrari owners are snobs.
Thanks again. RG
Ggent--I am using an assortment of stuff along with the Aragon. It all seems to work ok together. No gain issues, no hums, no pops or snorts. I use a Marantz
intergrated 8003 and use the pre amp out to the Aragon so the Marantz works as a pre-amp and control center. I also use a new midlevel Marantz CD player.
The Speakers are Von Schweikert VR33. THis conglomeration actually sounds
quite nice together. The Aragon gives me the dynamics I seek and spatial things
that were just not possible with the lower powered MArantz integrated.
This is just a hobby for me--no one has to prove anything. It is just fun to
share ideas and chew about the gear.
Still have my ACT 3 and ACT 5 ACURUS. Still sound great and rock solid reliable. New line would be on my short list, if I were in the market. No dealers in my area, but they do have a return policy I believe. So little to lose in trying.
I love Von Schweikert speakers. I became good friends with the owner of the audio shop where I purchased my Acurus gear and an awesome pair of MB Quart QL 502s speakers back in the mid 90's but the Von Schweikert, cant remember the model, were the first hi-end speaker I ever heard in my life. He had a pair for his personal audio system that were stunning matched with Mcintosh amps tied into vinyl. I still remember it as it were yesterday. That man spent 2 hours educating me in his shop on why hi-end audio cost what it does. At the time I thought Bose, sorry for swearing, were the best out their. That two hours literally changed my life forever.... Thanks for the great flashback Sunnyhop. RG