Int amp and Dynaudios

For all of you Dynaudio owners, and there are plenty of you, what is your favorite int amp - dynaudio combo and why? I have focus 220 mk II's currently being driven by a musical fidelity A308 150wpc integrated. Curious to hear what other dynaudio owners are driving their loudspeakers with and why you chose that pairing.
Extravaganza are you saying the Krell KAV 500i is a poor match with Dynaudio?
Not poor,very good,especially with confidence ,anyway I saw krell offering new int amp s550i :)
what I wanted to say,ears of human accepts diffrent sound approach in some period of time .
Srz888 I started with the original C1's being driven with a Bryston B100sst and thought it sounded great. Then one day my dealer brought over an Octave V70SE. The tubes weren't even warmed yet and I was convinced how much better it sounded. Even though the Octave had 1/2 the power @ 4ohms it just sounded so much more in control. Now with the Octave I can swap out tubes and change the sound from extremely musical to almost SS sounding.
Srz888 Forgot to mention Dyn's like and sound best with good clean current - not necessarily watts.