450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier

The Boulder 3050 monobloc weighs 450 pounds, 1500 wpc.

A pair of monoblocs weighing right at a half-ton...amazing.

The Pass Labs XS 300 monobloc weighs 300 pounds, 300 wpc.

With all of the advances in amplifier design, does an amp really have to be that big to get the results they're after?

The 1500 wpc D-Sonic monobloc weigh 12 pounds...I love it!
@ Guidocorona, My current class A amp retailed for $14,000.00 so I suppose $20,000.00 and down would be adequate!

On an earlier post, you requested a list of class D amps that sound good. I am not, by any measure, an expert on class D amplifiers. I'm just a fellow music/audio lover who is always striving to assemble the best system I can for both 2-channel and ht playback. I've recently been reading all the forums and reviews on various class D amps.

I discovered the competence of class D by chance and as a result of a misfortune. My old Aragon class A/B 4004 broke down this past January. When the estimate to repair the leaking power supply caps was estimated at $300-500, I had a decision to make; should I repair it and get back the very good sound this 23 yr old amp had provided in my system for the past 10 yrs or take this opportunity to upgrade my system? Due to the amp's age, I decided to buy a replacement amp, either new or used. To further complicate matters, my budget was limited to $1,000 or less.

So, I was looking for a high powered ss (400 or more watts@4 ohms) stereo or pair of monobloc amps for less than $1,ooo. I knew this would be a difficult quest so I scoured the online markets and read various audio forums. The forums piqued my interest in class D as a solution. I eventually wound up buying a new Class D Audio SDS440SC stereo amp that puts out 440 watts@4 ohms that was priced at $630 with free shipping. I am more than pleased with this amp in my system(cd source, tube preamp and Magnepan spkrs).

I'm not ready to say the CDA amp is a worthy substitute in sound quality to your Pass amp. But I am willing to swap amps with you for a few weeks, months, yrs or decades if you'd like to find out.

I think we need to know your budget,preamp and speakers to properly list class D amps you may want to audition. Others will likely chime in with their suggestions as well. Also, I live just north of Indy if you prefer we make the amp swap in person.

Here's a list of class D amps. I copied this list from an AVS forum (Seriusly Cold created it). Does plaigerism apply to the internet? Hope not. This was compiled a few years ago, so added Abletec, Class D Audio, Pascal, Merrill Audio and Rowland, but I probably missed some, and I also deleted AVS123 and Murano(out of business):

Abletec Scandinavian OEM amp module manufacturer
Newer proprietary class D

Acoustic Reality http://www.acoustic-reality.com/
eAR202, etc (ICEPower)

Aivin http://www.aivin.com.cn/
DT300 (Tripath)

Analog Research Technology http://www.analogresearch-technology.com/

Arion Audio http://www.arionaudio.com
MK1000 (proprietary)

AudioArt (NL) http://www.audioart.nl/
Van Medevoort MA240 (Hypex UcD)

Audiodigit http://www.audiodigit.com/
MC 8x100 (Tripath)

AudioResearch http://www.audioresearch.com/
150.2, 300.2, 150M (Tripath)

Axiom Audio http://www.axiomaudio.com/
A1400-8 (ICEPower)

B&O http://www.icepower.bang-olufsen.com/

BelCanto http://www.belcantodesign.com/products.html
Evo (Tripath) eOne (ICEPower)

Bertram http://www.audiokabel.dk/eng-main.htm

Blacknote http://www.blacknote.eu/
DSA 100, DSA 150 http://www.blacknote.eu/products/dsa.php

Bryston http://www.bryston.ca/
D250Z multichannel power amp

Carver http://www.carverusa.com/
300.2, 700.2, 1200.2

Cary Audio http://www.caryaudio.com/
A 306 power amplifier

Channel Islands Audio http://www.ciaudio.com/
D100, D200 (Hypex UcD)

Chapter Audio http://www.chapteraudio.co.uk/
Couplet Power Amp (proprietary WMP class-D)

Class D Audio www.classdaudio.com
DIY kit modules and completed amps(proprietary class-D)

D-Sonic http://www.d-sonic.net/
Magnum (ICEPower and Abletec amp modules used)

Devialet http://www.devialet.com/
D-Premier (Hybrid, proprietary)

DIYCable http://www.diycable.com/
Exodus (Hypex UcD)

Egosys http://www.egosys.co.jp/
Audiotrak DrAMP (Tripath)

Elan http://www.elanhomesystems.com/
D1200, D1600 (12 and 16 channel power amps, Tripath)

Electronic Visionary Systems http://www.tweakaudio.com/
EVS-2 (ICEPower)

Flying Mole http://www.flyingmoleelectronics.com/
(proprietary class-D)

Genesis http://www.genesisloudspeakers.com
Genesis Reference GR180 (Hypex)

Gilmore Audio http://www.glacieraudio.com/
Raven, Raptor, Dragonfly m/ch (looks like ICE)

H2O Audio http://www.iceh2oaudio.com/
M250, M500 (ICEpower)

Halcro http://www.halcro.com/logic/home.asp

Huygens Audio http://www.huygensaudio.com/
MCD-1202, MCD-1802 (MHz Class-D)

Integra /Onkyo http://www.integrahometheater.com/
DTA 9.4 7x120W 8Ω

Jeff Rowland http://www.jeffrowland.com/
Model 501 (ICEPower)

Jjaz Audio http://www.jjaz.dk/

Kharma http://www.kharma.com/

LC Audio http://www.lcaudio.com/
Predator SE (ZapPulse)

Marantz http://www.marantz.jp
Opsodis ES-150 (D2Audio) 2ch virtual surround

Marten Audio
Scandinavian firm utilizing newest class D (Abletec)
Most expensive monos at $40K/pr
Medius [DK] http://www.medius.cc/

Meridian http://www.meridian-audio.com
G95 DVD receiver system (Hypex UcD)

Merrill Audio www.merrillaudio.net
Veritas monos(Hypex nc1200)

MG Audiolabs http://www.mglaudiolabs.com/
Symphony (Hypex UcD)

Midgard Audio http://www.midgardaudio.no/www/

MindCraft (NL) http://www.mindcraft.nl/
Media Amp One (Hypex UcD))

NAD http://nadelectronics.com/ NEW
M2 Direct Digital (Zetex)

NHT http://nhthifi.com/
Power2, Power5 (ICEpower)

Nuforce http://www.nuforce.com/
Ref 8, Ref 8b, Ref 9 (nPhysics proprietary class-D)

NuVo Technologies http://www.nuvotechnologies.com/

Onkyo http://www.onkyo.com/
A-1VL, A-9755, A-9555 (Proprietary)

Pascal Audio www.pascal-audio.com
OEM amp modules for pro amps and powered spkrs
Proprietary UMAC class D

Primare http://www.primare.net/
CDI10 (Proprietary Ultra Fast Power Device (UFPD))

PSAudio http://www.psaudio.com/
GCA, GCMC, Trio A100 (ICEPower)

Red Dragon Audio http://www.reddragonaudio.com/

RedWineAudio http://www.redwineaudio.com/
Clari-T, Lotus (Tripath)

Rotel http://www.rotel.com/
1077 (7x100), 1092 (2x500) (ICEPower)

(Jeff)Rowland Design Group www.jeffrowlandgroup.com

Seymour AV http://www.seymourav.com/amps.asp
Ice Block Amps (Ice Power)

Sharp http://www.sharpusa.com/
SM-SX1, SM-SX100

Sonneteer http://freespace.virgin.net/sonneteer.audio/bronte.html
Brontë (Tripath)

Sony http://www.sony.com/
TA-DA9000ES, TA-FA1200ES (S-Master)

Spectron http://www.spectronav.com/
Musician, Troubador (int amp w digital inputs)

TactAudio/Lyngford http://www.tactaudio.dk/ http://www.lyngford.com/
Millennium & others (Equibit)

TEAC Esoteric http://teac.co.jp/av/esoteric/
AZ-1 pre-main (translated), AI-10 (Texas Instruments)

ThetaDigital http://www.thetadigital.com/
Virtu PowerDAC (Zetex class-Z)

UniwaveTek http://www.uniwavetek.com/
Anaco II

Wyred4Sound http://www.wyred4sound.com/
STI-500, STI-1000 (ICEpower)

Virtue Audio http://store.virtueaudio.com/
One.2, Two.2, Sensation M451, Sensation M901 (Tripath)
ICEBlock M5001 (ICEpower)

Yamaha http://www.yamaha.com/

Quite a few choices but I still probably missed a few.

Hi Labyrinth, in your general price range, I warmly suggest you have a listen at the following three amps, all based on the Hypex Ncore NC1200 module:

Acoustic Imagery
ATSAH monos
Status: released
Price $8999 per pair
Distributed in US by: Tweak Geek of Denver (CO), phone: 888-998-9335

Merrill Audio
Veritas monos
Status: released
Price $12,000 per pair
Call Merrill at: (415) 562-4434

Mola-Mola monoblock amplifier
Status: probably to be release in 3rd WQ 2013
Price: TBD (probably quite a bit more expensive than Veritas and ATSA)
Distributed by: On A Higher Note, phone: 949 544 1990

Mola-Mola is being developed by a company by the same name, owned in part by Bruno Putseys, original creator of Ncore technology. Mr. Putseys is also the lead designer of the complete amplifier.

From a purely engineering point of view, I conjecture that Mola-Mola will be the most sophisticated implementation of the three, with ATSAH being the simplest. But do not be fooled by the word "simple"... all signs point to The Ncore NC1200 module by itself delivering a very high sonic musical standard as a starting point.

There are a couple of intriguing products soon coming from Rowland.... A bridgeable amp called M525 slated for April, based on a Pascal class D module. The device should cost approx $4500 for one unit and can be bridged to mono operations... If I remember its power ratings correctly: 250W / 8 Ohms, 500W / 4 Ohms, 1000W bridged to mono.

The same company will also release an integrated amp based on a different Pascal class D module, to be called Continuum S2, priced at $9500. Power rating: 400W/ 8 Ohms, 800W / 4 Ohms.

While I am usually fond of the Rowland sound, I freely admit that have never heard any amps based on Pascal class D modules, so I have no idea how these Rowland products will sound.

