Best preamp 2k or under, new or used

So, here's what I got...

Nht classic 4, McCormack dna1, McCormack rld1, jkdac32.

The speakers, amp, and dac, were items, that once placed in my system, I was 'done!'. I knew I found what I wanted out of each, and love all three.

Preamps, however, have been a problem. Here's what I've owned...

Parasound p3
Ps audio 7.0
Ps audio pca2
Rowland consonance
Wyred4sound stp-se
Classe cap151 (used a pre in the interim when preamps change)
McCormack rld1

The McCormack rld and classe 151 preamp sections come closest to the sound I want, which is less forceful, more effortless to my ears, fairly transparent, but both suffer from a slightly hard treble, and round under damped bass that has weight, but lacks extension. The wyred, parasound, and Pca2 sounded thin in my system. The Rowland I had high hopes for, and was probably the most disappointing, with a sound that sounded restricted on top and bottom. The ps audio 7.0, actually wasn't bad. Lacks transparency, but makes music. Problem is, with volume set to 2, it was too loud for late night listening.

So, here's the question. New or used, tube or solid state, does anyone know a good preamp in the 2k or under range that sounds open yet full, with smooth treble and good extended bass?

The only feature I want is remote control (I am not lazy, I just don't like to leave the spot I'm listening to music from).

Any suggestions supplied with some minimal input would be greatly appreciated.
I have an almost brand-new CODA solid-state 05x preamplifier that would probably work for you. It has the full five year transferable warranty available. The unit features full function remote control capability. This solid-state preamp sounds exceptionally close to tubes. The technology gap between solid-state and tubes is rapidly closing. I can work with you on price if you think it might offer an effective solution for you. I bought it for my second system - my first system uses tubes. I'm currently consolidating equipment across platforms; the CODA needs a new home. Read the review from 6 Moons for more details. Write me if you're interested.
Thatks wescoman. I'll do some homework, even if it means...gag...reading a 6 moon's review (not big on all their hyperbole). Sometimes, I miss writers like J. Gordon Holt.
Generally speaking, its a tough question you ask, but its good that you realize the problem is the preamp. Its probably the hardest component to get right. The only preamp I've owned that you have is the PCA-2. I wasn't impressed with it. It had a very polite sound but just didn't inspire in any way. I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty certain you would like a Conrad Johnson Premier 16 if you can find one. I had mine next to the PCA-2 and it just beat it in every aspect. Given your description, I think its exactly what you are looking for.

As far as tubes go, you need to be careful. You can easily get one that is not to your liking. The sound of tube preamps vary just like every other component. Again, given your description, I think you may like something from Sonic Frontiers or an entry level BAT (used).

One last option I would recommend you look at is a good passive line stage. How well a passive works can vary greatly so I think a demo would be mandatory.

If you don't have a way to demo anything, I would try to buy something used for a good price. If you end up not liking it, you should be able to sell it for close to what you paid. Its a good way to go if you don't have any other options.

There's a lot of great equipment out there other than what I list. I'm sure some of the other members will give you some solid recommendations, as well.
A good modded or clone PAS 3 sounds about as good as anything, I have two.
Seldom show up on here because guys keep them. LOTS of them around though.
Unfortunately, as others have mentioned here, finding the right preamp is the hardest thing for most of us to do. That being said, a VAC Auricle preamp might be just what you are looking for, at way less then you'd expect to pay.