krell kct, pass labs xp 10 or 2.5, spectral?

Hello All, my current system is:
* B&W 801Nautilus (not diamond version)
* MIT speaker cables
* Mcintosch MC500 power amp
* Accuphase DP500 cd
* Levinson 38 preamp

The sound is not bad at all, never unnerving but it just does not emotionally involve me enough, the system doesn't dissappear enough and seems a bit slow. (I had active speakers before). I would like to hang on to my power amp and cd player (which I know are rather warm sounding both).
I just got the speakers, so could another preamp do the trick? I had Mcintosh c46 preamp in the same system and it sounded more open but more coloured? as if the same sauce was added to each music cd?
I can buy (all used) a Krell KCT for 2800 euro, a Pass Labs XP10 for 2700 euro, or a XP 2.5 for 1500, or a spectral dmc 12 for +-1400... O yes and a Nagra PLP for 4000 euro...
Which would u recommend to make me feel drawn emotionally into my music, where there seems to be no more system? I read many reviews but next to that there is also imput impedance that plays a big role? Please help. As all my options are used market ones, I dont have too much time to chose :)
THX guys!
I am sure the newer gear will sound even better then the one in my question but it's out of my budget, but back to that question...if I keep speakers and amp, which pre af the above would help me the most going to a faster and more involving system? or is it hopeless :)
One of the reasons my system lacks air maybe impedance mismatch?
MC 500 has imput impedance of 10kOhms (not specified if it doubles for balanced or not). The levinsons (331 etc and 432) all have 100k balanced and 50k single ended... so this is what their preamps are best suited for, included my 38?
If my theory holds a ground then the KCT is not good as the whole FPC cx range of power amps has 100kOhms input impedance.
The spectral DMA 180 and 150 also have 100kOhms (partners for the DMC 12... (but their own DMA 90 has 10kOhms with 100pF in parallel, this confuses me!)
Best suited seems the pass X 2.5 which partners the X250 has 22K balanced (no specs for single ended) and XA160 (think it was still the same preamp line) has 22k balanced and 11 k single ended... Newer pass line with the XP 10 preamp range mates with the XA .5 line and the X .5 line which all have 30k/20k input impedance...
Can someone point me out if this theory of mine is correct and the pass X 2.5 (or X1 and X0) are best suited to my MC500? Or of course the respectable partners for the MC402 with 10K balanced and 22k unbalanced (newer mac 452 is 22k balanced and unbalanced!!) which were C46 and C2200 (I sold the C46!! It did indeed have no rolled of highs and much air, but seemed to have its own sonic signature on all records?)
Your starting to talk to yourself.You have very nice stuff.I would change out the speakers for sure,YMMV,James
Well I tried the same setup but with different speakers... (smaller hifi speakers I own, and which I know can sound rather bright) and the sound still lacks air... so any other recommendations for system change regarding cdplayer or preamp then?
great price for KCT 2800eu ,you will loose nothing ,in case you don't like you can sell for 3200eu.Just saw somebody selling for 3800eu on