Best older Krell integrated amp that sounds good?

I have looked at several "USED" integrated amps, and found the Krell KAV 400Xi gets high marks from reviewers. However this unit was first marketed in 2006-2007, which raises the issue with why bother with an older design, that was replaced 3 years later. KAV-400Xi packs a wallop of power at 200RMS. My concern is: will it be equal to or exceed the performance my Red Dragon M-500 digital mono blocks. I am getting tired of all the separate boxes, and want to make the system simple. I have seen a few KAV 400Xi on AG, but the sellers were asking for too much money. Maybe, I am wrong but the "blue book" price on this amp( VG used) is about $1200.

Of course, my other option is to look at some of the newer integrateds on the markets at or under 1500. But i am looking for quality sound without reaching for A PASS, ARC, Rowlands integrated. My system is not in that league.
second Krell kav500i.own for 5 years already,the cheapest way dip into audiophile waters:)
paid $2000 at that time, now i think will be around 1700-1800,not so many appears for sale ,means this quite a good amp.If you will be lucky may be you can get for 1500
@ sunnyjim,The krell 400xi sounds good,but the older 300I sounds great too,I would not concern myself alot with the age thing,some of the best equipment outthere was made years ago,Its the same as when alot of companys make a product and it gets a following,then sometimes they will attempt to make it cheaper,like made in china,and expect the same outcome,of course,the not made in china is alot better!,the 400xi and 300I are made in the u.s.a,but the newest offering is not,see my point?cheers!
Have you considered a vintage integrated? There are some really nice sounding amps out there designed by people like Nelson Pass and the same people that designed Accuphase. They sell for a very reasonable price.
There is always the hope of finding a diamond in the rough with older equipment, that is, under 10 years. Some reviews claimed the S300i was very good, but the volume control when remotely operated made noise when it was activated. I heard that complaint from other owners. Actually, of all the reviews I have read, KAV 400i got the highest praise for its sound quality of the Krell KAV series integrated amps. I have looked at other IA's like Sim Moon and 1-5 and 1-5.3, and the Creek Destiny 2. My intuition tells me, Krell is in another class than Creek, though I have owned Creek 5350SE Classic, which was excellent across the board, but had wimpy power at 75RMS

To Rrog, I'll check it out. I know Pass made an amp called Aleph 3 which was about 60 RMS, and is still held in high regard. I may be mistaken, but I never considered Accuphase in the running as a high end product. I may be a bit leary about vintage equipment because of the possibility that parts are no longer available. Conrad Johnson which makes excellent products, but never was a pioneer of integrated amps. They have a current piece which is ET-3, but it is about $4500, and used maybe, $2500-2700. Cheers!!!