So what's a good preamp?

I know that's a broad question but I've been using a series of passive preamps for the past 12 years and now I have an amp (Joule Stargate SET) that really like to have an active preamp ahead of it. I'm really not sure where to start. Budget is $1500 or less probably used and I only listen to vinyl so bells and whistles are not an issue-- if there was such thing as an active single input preamp, that could be great. I'm just not sure where to start looking, although I'm sort of interested in the ARC SP16 because I've been told that it has a nice neutral sound by some friends. My priorities are versatility because I listen to lots of different music from jazz to folk to electronic/dance to soundtracks.
If you are interested in solid state I think Klyne makes one of the best pre amps; as tubed goes you already have heard from what I consider the leaders.
I see a Joule Electra LA 150 mk II for sale for $1995. A little above your price range, but maybe you can talk the price down a little.
Gone :(

Kbuzz-- Thanks for the comments but unfortunately I don't have that system anymore. Sadly we had to move to a much smaller place (sad because of the stereo, love the place) and everything had to go. I've started over with equipment that fits both aesthetically and sonically into the new place. I'll update the profile when I've figure out the preamp. Luckily there's a nice place in the corner for the amps otherwise I would have had to live with something small like a chip amp-- eesh.