Jeff Rowland 2 or Classe 25 for Avalon Eclipse

Hi all,

Sorry for my bad English, I'm wondering to buy a pow amp for my Avalon Eclipse. Recently I see Jeff Rowland model 2 & Classe 25 in Audiogon,

Could anyone give me the which one is match for my speaker? Or other amps match with? My budget is arrount $2k-$2,5k

Thank you all in advance
I owned the Avalon Eclipse's for over 10 years and drove them with both Rowland and Classe amps. The Avalon's are a 4 ohm speaker ( I'm pretty sure of that ) and the Eclipse's are a sealed enclosure speaker that was originally designed by Charles Hanson now of Ayre. Hanson and Rowland worked very closley at that time. I do believe that the two companies were at one point operating together and then later seperated operations. The Rowland Model2 comes from a time when I thought Rowland made some their best stuff...( the Model 6 and 8 were also of that time ) it is only a 75 watt amp - but pleanty of current. The Classe is good stuff and I also owned the DR 25 which is getting long in the tooth if that is amp you are looking. This amp was designed by David Reich ( hence the DR ) which was a real good amp. If it is just the Classe 25 - good but if you are looking for opinions - go with the Rowland - it is a well made match
The User manual of the Rowland M2 amplifier in PDF format is still available online. It lists all tech specs towards the end of the document:

Saluti, G.
Garebear, thanks a lot for your post, they're so useful. Which JRDG model did you use with Eclipse? I ask so because my budget not enough for bigger JRDG, while I'm wondering about 75wpc of Model 2.

Another thing, can I use 2 JRDG model 2 as monoblock? I may buy one more if I have a chance in future.
Aspac, You ignored my question regarding what preamp you will be using. You should have included that information with your original post. IE if you are using a Classe preamp the responses to your post may be different.

Avalon Eclipse is not 8 ohms. It is 6 ohms. This has a lot to do with available power from the Rowland amp.

Classe DR amplifiers are much better than the later Classe amplifiers.