Jeff Rowland 2 or Classe 25 for Avalon Eclipse

Hi all,

Sorry for my bad English, I'm wondering to buy a pow amp for my Avalon Eclipse. Recently I see Jeff Rowland model 2 & Classe 25 in Audiogon,

Could anyone give me the which one is match for my speaker? Or other amps match with? My budget is arrount $2k-$2,5k

Thank you all in advance
That's it? After all of that all you can say is thank you for your insight?
Well Rrog, you expressed your personal findings about two classic Rowland musical battlewagons, and I must thank you for sharing your experiences and opinions.

If you had had the opportunity of operating the two devices in identical contexts, I might have been able to venture some conjectures as to the origins of your findings.

Saluti, G.
So, are you interested in either of these amplifiers or was this a test of my ability to discern the differences in stereo equipment?
Hi Rrog, I am always interested in Rowland lore, and furthering my theoretical knowledge of those Rowland amps that I have not had the fortune of experiencing in my own system.

However, if you were specifically asking if I am considering the acquisition of M5 or M2 for my own use, my current plan is to replace my Rowland M725 monos with a pair of the new M925 monos. G.