Jeff Rowland 2 or Classe 25 for Avalon Eclipse

Hi all,

Sorry for my bad English, I'm wondering to buy a pow amp for my Avalon Eclipse. Recently I see Jeff Rowland model 2 & Classe 25 in Audiogon,

Could anyone give me the which one is match for my speaker? Or other amps match with? My budget is arrount $2k-$2,5k

Thank you all in advance
So, are you interested in either of these amplifiers or was this a test of my ability to discern the differences in stereo equipment?
Hi Rrog, I am always interested in Rowland lore, and furthering my theoretical knowledge of those Rowland amps that I have not had the fortune of experiencing in my own system.

However, if you were specifically asking if I am considering the acquisition of M5 or M2 for my own use, my current plan is to replace my Rowland M725 monos with a pair of the new M925 monos. G.
Hi Rrog, my system currently consists of Esoteric X-01, Rowland Criterion, Rowland M725, and Vienna Acoustics Die Muzik.... Guido
Guido, Nice system and impressive specs on the M725. Everything from that company has been terrific.