Conrad Jodnson PREMIER 12

Would this unit driving my Dynaudio S5.4 well.
I'm having Sonic Frontier SFM-160 monos right now and give me very good sound specially for base.
I found Dynaudio is very hard to push the base out. So Just want to confirm.
Both amps are very good. I would keep the 160's. The 12's are just too dated sounding. If you had an issue with your high frequencies, that may be another matter.
Thanks for all your information. I just bought ARC VM220 mono and they are sound perfect with the S5.4... Lol
i have a lamm M1.1 with dynaudio C4 and i need more power, lamm are astonings but not power. Perhaps cj 350 ss or vtl 450 sign are better.
What about Bat vk 600?