Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
To be perfectly fair and unbiased, this is my opinion.

Assuming Bob wanted to protect his dealers and also assuming that's what Bob wanted to be clear with Emotiva when he agreed to sell his company to them, Bob would have no input whatsoever once Emotiva decided to stick with their factory direct business model.

Furthermore, I don't think Bob had any real financial power over his last business venture since, if I'm not mistaken, he started it with the help of an investor.

The only 'issue' I may have with the whole thing is the drastic drop in prices.
It's only meant that either Bob's profit margin was rather larger than the norm or something else is at play now.
Bob had an investor. Before the investor stepped in, Bob
had a day job and was building amps one at a time and
selling them on eBay. He was managing to sell maybe one amp
every other month or so. Bob was definitely the tech brain
behind the company, but I believe he didn't have very much
authority over the financial direction of the company. I
believe the investor saw an opportunity with Emotiva and
took it. That's what investors do. Ultimately, the guy
with the money makes the decisions.

I have a feeling you will see another reincarnation of Bob
Carver with yet another venture in the next ten years. I
believe that as long as he has enough cash to cobble
together an amp by hand, he will start making amps again, in
his garage if he has to. It is in his blood. ....and he
will have buyers.
Feel like we just been played. I don't know what else to say. They never notified us nor did they make it clear on the direction they going. It was all done behind the curtains.
06-26-13: Dragon_vibe
Feel like we just been played. I don't know what else to say. They never notified us nor did they make it clear on the direction they going. It was all done behind the curtains.
Dragon_vibe (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
You're a customer. You bought an amp. Why is the company obligated to involve/update you in selling the company?

I bought a bag of Scott's grass seeds last week, now they're obligated updating and getting my approval in all company transactions.
I feel for you. Bob Carver has had a troubled track record to be sure. Dealers that had purchased his latest products to only have the rug pulled out underneath them have a right to be upset, and Emotiva has no doubt had a hand in the decision making process as well.