Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
I see a lot of banter going on regarding the warranty on Bob Carver LLC, products, ie the Cherry 180 & Black Beauty 305, etc. Has anyone checked with thier dealer? Well I did. My dealer confirmed that Emotiva is honoring the 7 year warranty on all products made under the Bob Carver LLC entity.They will do the repairs. So check with your dealer.My dealer also mentioned that BC is regrouping and may be making a comeback in the next few months or so. I mentioned to my dealer that it would great to get a schematic of the 180's for my records as I plan on keeping these for a very long time. Awesome amps.

Could you update me which upgrades you have done and which resistors you have swapped out. I don't care much now about the warranty. I don't like emailing emotive, I have tried and they have ignore all my emails so when someone says the dealer claims this and that. Its all thin air to me.
I changed
1- the volume pot with GP
2- Coupling cap (2 each per amp .22uF) with JFX - Premium Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors
3- Feedback cap 1 each 2.2uF with JFX - Premium Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors
4- 6 resistors in signalling path (each amp) 2.2kOhm 2watt
5- Roll with KT-120s power tubes
does anyone have a shcematic for the 180's? I looked on the Carver site and the schematic was for the 305?
Hi Thuan. What resistors did you upgrade to for the ones that were already in there?