Van Alstine Synergy amps: Are they quality sound?

I ran a similar thread about a year ago, and got no feedback. I am simply curious why Van Alstine products don't receive more reviews and evaluation. Need some feedback about the sound quality and reliability of VA's "Synergy" amps and one integrated amp.
Never buy an amp that is not rated stable to 2 ohms, many speakers go below 4 ohms, can become unstable and blow a channel etc.
To Schubert: That will surely make me think twice about buying either the Syngery basic stereo amp or his overpriced integrated which is $1800. I can buy a used Krell 400i for less that probably will smoke his integrated and you get twice the power and also is stable at 2 ohms

You helped answer another question I ask in a previous thread. If his S-450 outclassed the Odyssey Stratos, it will do the same and then some to the Odyssey Khartago which I considered, and got very good reviews

Yes, as you guys have noted, I guess advertising determines a company's recognition among the audio literati; I thought they were committed to reviewing the best products??? Thanks guys for the advice and comments, Jimbo
04-10-13: Sunnyjim
Yes, as you guys have noted, I guess advertising determines a company's recognition among the audio literati; I thought they were committed to reviewing the best products???

LOL!!! Oh if only that were true, and all salesmen and politicians could be trusted. hahahahahahahaha

It's all about the Benjamin's.
To.Mr JMC Grogan, Relax, I was just being facetious. Most of these audio pundits have ears stuffed with cotton when they go to audition high-end. I have only truated reviews by Bob Reina at Stereophile. His review method is systematic and thorough, and 90-95% of the time his impressions are right on target. This could be said of Tom Norton who is no longer with Stereophile and possibly deceased. His review of the Aragon 4004 MKII power amp in 1988 was excellent, and over my 15 years of ownership of this amp, I came to hear every point he made about the amp's performance
04-11-13: Sunnyjim
To.Mr JMC Grogan, Relax, I was just being facetious. Most of these audio pundits have ears stuffed with cotton when they go to audition high-end.

Don't worry about me Jimbo, one can't help but be relaxed with all the quality entertainment here. :)

I would would replace the word "cotton" with "dollar bills" in your statement. ;)