Pass X600 Will it heat my room too much ??

I am considering moving from Levinson 436 monoblocks to Pass X600 monoblocks. My only concern is how much they will heat my dedicated 14'x 21' room. I have heard that they would cause me to stop a movie half way thru or I would have to put in a dedicated ac unit to supplement the main ac unit.
Help me out here ladies and gentlemen !!
Thanks for responding if you owm these!!
Putting it simply.
The X series is class A/B
The XA series is class A
A XA150 will heat up the room much more than a X600 will. Even though the X600 is far more powerful and probably larger.

Cheers George
I have yet to encounter an amp that put out so much heat that it bummed me out. I have a couple of tube amps with 4 output tubes per channel. One operayes in class A, I am ccertain about that. I freely admit that the tubes get very, very hot and put out plenty of heat I just don't position myself close to the amps, I am at least 8-10 feet away. The rooms seem to handle it well.
I hope I haven't jinxed myself because I now have to downsize post divorce. My new place is quite small she got the house (they always get the house!!)

I hope your divorce wasn't over this hobby. I want a pair of XA100.5's and my wife is not happy about it. So if I want them I am just going to have to pull the trigger and see how it goes.

By the way I had an INT-30A in my listening room for a couple of weeks which is about the same size as yours and has a cathedral ceiling and from a heat perspective I never even knew it was on.
I run a pair of XA60.5's (220 watts each) 24/7 in a 25x16x8 foot room and never notice any increase in room temperature!

My electric bill for these amps is $25/mo.

Hot tube amps with fans is another matter.
I have a pair of XA100.5's in a 16x20 ft room. The 100's put out 600 watts of heat at idle and yes it does heat up my room. I had a pair of XA60.5s before the xa100.5's and I could not tell much of a difference with them, but with the XA100.5's I can. The X600's will put out 1200 watts of heat at idle, thats like a portable heater. I believe alot depends on your tolerance of the added heat and how good your air conditioning is in the room, as for me I have not had the XA100.5's during the summer months yet, bought in October, so the jury is still out on whether they will stay permanently in my system