Best Audio Electronics for Paradigm S8v3 Speakers

I am redoing my 2 channel system and am seriously considering the Paradigm S8v3 speakers, but am having a problem with what electronics to consider using. My first consideration is the Anthem Statement P2 amp. I am interested in hearing what other S8 owners are using for an amp and pre-amp.

Also has anyone Bi-amped their S8s and if so what kind of results did you realize?
I own S8s (v3). Check my various posts on the Forum and you'll read all about my latest neurotic obsession -- amp/speaker electrical compatibility. I drive my S8s with an ARC VS-115 tube amp. For some insane reason that I do not understand, the combo seems to work quite well -- but shouldn't.

The Paradigm Signature line, like most other speakers, has its supporters and detractors. I happen to be a supporter. I believe that the S8s are the best kept secret in audio. FWIW, many reviewers have said that it is relevant to discuss and meaningfully compare the S8's performance against that of the big boys.

I don't have the patience to re-write my neurotic schpiel about amp/speaker electrical compatibility and my sorry-as*ed tale about the S8's crazy impedance and negative phase angle specs, but to be safe, I recommend that you hook the S8s up to a muscular SS amp that can deliver lots of clean power (actually amps). Paradigm Tech told me that the S8s were designed with the thought they would be driven by such amps.

I'm pretty sure Paradigm showcases the S8s with the better Anthem amps, like the P2. Other high quality SS amps to consider are those from Ayre or Pass Labs. Some say the S8s will shine if you hook it up to a very muscular Bryston. As far as bi-amping is concerned, I bi-wire and the performance is stellar. It could only be better with more power. But be sure to use the same model amp above and below.

However, to be fair to the S8s, while to be taken with a grain of salt, the reviews about the S8s (v2 or v3) have been quite outstanding, even stellar. But then again, aren't most reviews saying that Model X is the best thing the reviewer has seen since sliced white bread was invented. There's actually an active thread going about the reliability of equipment reviews.

Feel free to e mail me and I can share more thoughts with you.
Never really liked the S8's. Had a pair in storage that I was meaning to sell but had to pull them out after my system was stolen in a home burglary last year.

Decided I needed something simple and relatively inexpensive so I pulled the trigger on an OPPO 105, a pair of Wyred 4 Sound MAMP monoblocks and Spatial Quantum Field speaker cables with the hopes I could get by for a year or so. Boy was I in for a surprise!

I had never heard the S8's sound this good - even driven by some expensive TRL and Audio Horizons source equipment. I have to admit the amps I had used up till that point were average(Bel Canto Ref1000, Rotel 1090, Rawson Gain Clones.

I think the new amps and speaker cables are a killer combination and have the most impact. I've been told other S8 owners have said the same thing who had a listen at RMAF.
I really like the Parasound Halo amps with the S8 and S6, especially the JC1 monoblocks and the A21.
Don't have S8's, but my S6's shine with my Bryston 4B SST Wish I had the 14B. These speakers seem easy to drive.