Sneaky new internet tax pushing through fast

(very sorry mods, please leave it up for aminute

Call your reps!!

For those of us that buy or sell anything online and don't want to be audited by 50 states plus, please take notice to the new internet sales tax that is going through fast right now!! Spread the word, call your congressman, this will put all small vendors out of business most likely, don't let it happen guys!!
Charles1dad, Agreed. The problem is not too little taxation, it is too much utterly wrong headed government spending. But you know, these things run in cycles, and this problem with waste and entitlements can be addressed. What is not easily fixable is the real root of the problem, which is the breakdown of the social contract. I don't know how our society can recover that understanding. What happened to JFK's famous words, Ask not----?
The first thing we need to do to fix state and federal government is to demand a country wide referendum on... TERM LIMITS. For example… Harry R. (in office since 1987), Nancy P. (in office since 1993), and cowboy Joe B. (in office since 1973).
Like all legislation it's all about the implementation and the burden it creates on small business. Poorly crafted legislation can/does/has, forced small businesses to close because of the cost to comply. Lately this has happened in virtually every industry from manufacturing and construction to mortgage brokers and private practice doctors. Large companies, because of scale, easily comply and lobby for this type of legislation for just this reason. Barriers allow big business to grow while reducing the little guy’s access to the pursuit of liberty which as you know, is a founding principle of this country and, let’s be honest, the reason most of us are here (or why our ancestors came here).

Just because a poorly designed law passes doesn’t mean it will be effective or not have adverse consequences. It’s like believing new gun laws will change the behavior of psychopaths and criminals.

The economy needs all the help it can get right now so let’s hope that if another law passes it is done with these thoughts in mind so it doesn’t strangle business as we have seen lately. A vibrant market place that fosters competition is better for consumers too!
@ Kijanki, I don't really care what other countries pay in taxes. I send too much of my earnings to fund this bloated government as it is.
It’s not the tax itself, but the administrative burden to comply. A brick and mortar retailer has only one taxing entity. Online retailers will be liable to pay tax to 45 different states all with different taxable requirements. The cost of administering this will likely close many small online businesses which will have negative effects on local economies (landlords, CPA’s, ISP’s, local eateries, the list goes on).

Lately, poorly conceived legislation has caused business closings in virtually every industry from manufacturing and construction to real estate appraisers and private practice doctors. Large companies easily comply and lobby for this type of legislation for just this reason. Barriers allow big business to grow while reducing opportunity for the little guy. Opportunity fosters innovation, competition, and helps keep the income gap to a minimum, so maintaining it is paramount. In addition, a vibrant market place that fosters consumer choice is better for consumers.

Plenty of laws with catchy titles but poor design have passed which are not effective and have had adverse consequences. It’s like believing new gun control laws will change the behavior of psychopaths and criminals. Let’s hope that if another law is passes it is well thought out and not rushed like so many others. This economy needs all the help it can get.

You wrote; “Government spending adjusted for inflation is the lowest since WWII.” I’ve been to many sites trying to confirm this but find the opposite is true. Can you point me to information confirming your statement?