Upgrading my amplifiers.Help?

Hi everyone. I just recently acquired a new pair of Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One and they are great. However I feel that my current set up is not up to scratch in bringing the best out of these speakers. I am running an NAD M51 direct into a pair of Virtue Audio 5001s with the Tube Buffers. The main issue with this is that I find the sound too lean overall. I need a bit of warmth in my system.

So now I have several options on amplifiers, being the Gryphon Audio Callisto 2200 and the AVM 3.2 or 5.2T inegrated amps, or I could go with power amps being the BAT VK220 and the Sim Audio Moon 330A.

I have also been offered another option of placing a Modwright 36.5 in between my NAD and Virtue Audio to smoothen the sound a little.

So what's the best option for me for around the 5000USD mark?

Keep in mind I am based in Australia though.

I have a AVM 5.2T and I have to say it is the best sounding amp I have ever owned.Very 3D,huge soundstage nice punchy bass and very detailed warm mids and highs.And more than enough power to drive those speakers.