B&W 803D and Parasound

I have recently upgraded to B&W 803D's, driving them with two Parasound 2250 power amps and the 2100 preamp. Anyone have experience with this combination of equipment sounding harsh or too bright?
Also it may not be all of the 2250's problem. What is the rest of your system? I have installed lots of Parsounds and most of there sin's are of ommision.

So if you are going to upgrade one piece at a time IMO it is best to track down the weekest link and change it first.
I have a demo Rogue pre-amp in place of my 2100 and the tube does sound warm and possibly a bit sweeter but is still not what i experienced when auditioning several 803's in the past... absolutely no stridency or brightness whatsoever would also be my experience... I contacted B&W and they told me to take a look at the resistor in the high freq cross over and measure the values as they suspect this could be the problem...Stay tuned....
B&W 803D have rather complex phase impedance behaivor demanding use of highly powered amplifier(s) which can produce high peak voltage and peak current without too many distortions.

I am not familiar with your current Parasound power amplifiers and thus cannot comment

All The Best

To make a long story short...nothing wrong with my combination of equipment or the equipment it's self, only the acoustic environment which I listen in. I cant begin to stress what can be gained by room treatments..I spent about 300.00 and the time to make the panels and my equipment now sounds more like 30K worth.