Any experience with Arc ref75 driving magnepans

Thinking about buying a Arc ref 75 to go with my ls27. I have 1.7 right now and will upgrade to the 3.7s in the future..I listen mostly to jazz along with some classical and classic rock. Once in awhile I turn up the volume...I'm reaching out to you for your input...Thanks
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I know someone who drives Apogee Duettas with the new Ref 75...he says it is an absolutely glorious amp in so many ways and handles them quite well. I would say if it drives them, it will drive your Maggies [as long as the room isn't especially large]. Good luck with it.
The Ref 75 is an excellent amplifier but not nearly enough power to drive those speakers correctly. Good Luck
I appreciate all of your input.I guess I should give you my room size.20x16x10ft ceiling.My amp now is a Pass labs xa30.5 only 30 watts but it doubles in 4 ohms..I know with Maggie's it's not all about the watts but the current of the amp.The 30.5 powers the Maggie's without any problem.The more info I can get on the re75 powering Maggie's the better...Thanks again
Keep the Pass XA30.5!

More peak power at 4ohms, and better sound quality. No tube hassles like break-in, ageing, blown resistors, and trips back to ARC.

I have experience with ARC tube equipment, and they work fine a minority of the time!